We were there. And we feel impossible to get a better representation. World of Seeds and the others brands of Hemp Passion Group had in Expocannabis Sur the best ambassadors, our partners Maria, Arlene, Joanna and Laura.

We obtained very nice conclusions from our visit to Malaga. In one hand, the quality of life in the South of Spain. In the other hand, we felt that the effort we are doing in the matters of branding, design and added value is greatly appreciate by the profesionals of cannabis sector.

Hemp Passion, World of Seeds and  the rest of our associated brands (Samsara Seeds, Delicious Seeds, Smonkey, Infinity THC, CoolTech and Organik) got great marks in the ratings of good people who give life to this sector.

Our new corporate stand made delight in the public, so much that many friends used it as photocall to picture themselves. Similarly, the new branding for Samsara Seeds was much appreciated. And as well the new Smonkey t-shirt Collection.

Here you have a very lovelies videos dedicated to the four protagonists of this weekend in Malaga. We see you soon, in every cardinal point. This projects of ours is unstopplable.

More info about our visit to Expocannabis Sur in Smonkey blog.