
After the celebrations of 4/20 in USA, it is arriving May 7th, a day of global demand for legalization and cannabis use rights.

All started ten years ago with the Million Marijuana March. And this year there are expected hundreds of demonstrations in cities around the World, but we're focusing today in the calls of three Latin American big cities: Mexico DF, Bogota and Santiago de Chile.


MEXICO DF. If there is a country that suffers the scourge of trafficking and the terrible inconveniente of the criminalization of drugs is Mexico. In that sense, it has special significance the march organized by Asociación Mexicana de Estudios sobre Cannabis AC (Mexican Association for Cannabis Studies AC) for this May 7.

According to the briefing, “In Mexico there are no virtual space for civil society to speak freely about drug policy, therefore this March is an important moment in which people in favor of regulating marijuana get visibility and gain dignified presence to society”.

The March will start at Plaza del Zocalo and aims to create a festive enviroment. Among the many activities planned around is a request for ballot about legalization in Mexico City.

More info here.


BOGOTÁ. The concentration for the Liberation Day of Marijuana in Bogota is organizad by Dosis de Personalidad organization.

“We are marching to say that 40 years of marijuana prohibition got outcomes as fuel the crime, jail many young people and make police spend Money”.

Dosis de Personalidad have drafted as well a a Decalogue on relevant reasons to promote the legalization. For example, point 7 aims to “motivate self culture networks for not using the drug dealers, thereby reduce crime and take care our welfare.”

More info here.

Santiago, Chile

SANTIAGO DE CHILE. The Movimental association make a call for Cultiva tus Derechos (Culture your Rights) March in Santiago de Chile.

“The purpose of this March is to gather signatures in support to send a letter to the National Public Prosecutor. This letter proposes the legalization of culture and a new regulation on possession for personal use of substances”.

Cultiva tus derechos is also an event that this year is extended to ten Latin American countries: Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and Paraguay.

The march will take place in Plaza de los Héroes and more information is available here.

Fotos © rbcy1974 / Candor / DigitalGlobe-Imagery